
Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Houstonian: LSC offers tours to students

From the Houstonian:
Students who may be wondering what the Lowman Student Center will look like when the construction is done now have the opportunity to see its progression. The Lowman Student Center Office is offering tours of the facility to interested students and organizations, according to Keith Jenkins, associate dean of Student Life.

Jenkins said students should expect to see a lot more space in the renovated LSC.

"We've gained a lot of square footage in the building," he said. "Student organizations will have a room just to themselves to go and do work. We've never had that. We'll have a nice ballroom (where the swimming pool used to be). They'll see a Barnes and Nobles that's gong to be double the size it's ever been."

The renovation, which began in December 2000, is running on time, and the LSC should be fully operational by the fall, Jenkins said.

"It's coming along great. I would say we're probably about 85 to 88 percent complete," he said. "The contractors could be out within the next couple of months."

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

A History of Huntsville

The Houstonian has a short piece on the origins and early history of Huntsville.

Fountain Fixed After Being Soaped

Today’s Houstonian reports that the Mall Area fountain is operational again after recent vandalism:
Plumber John Turman, a SHSU Physical Plant employee, was in charge of cleaning the fountain and making it functional again.

The fountain was turned off for a few days because vandals poured soap into the fountain pump. Turman had to clear the pump with cleaning chemicals several times to remove the soap.

"It had so much soap in it we had to shut it for a few days to completely clean it out," Turman said.

The prank has become a recurring problem for the maintenance staff. There were 18 incidents last semester alone.

This latest incident causes more damage than usual because the person or persons responsible almost tore the pump's electrical box off the wall.

Although no suspects have been identified, Turman has his suspicions as to who's involved.

"They're probably college students with an elementary education," Turman said.