
Friday, August 30, 2013

Item: Coverage of Army Reserve Center Property, Eminent Domain

Sam Houston State University intends to acquire property at 2257 Sam Houston Avenue, recently purchased from the city by Maalouf Properties, through purchase or condemnation. The land, which contains a former Army Reserve Center, is included in SHSU’s long-range master planning for use by its ROTC and veterans’ programs. The conflict began in July.  Below is the Huntsville Item's coverage of the property, it's sale, and the aftermath from mid-to-late August.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Item: Maalouf Land Sale Now Final

According to the August 23 Huntsville Item, Maalouf Properties and the city of Huntsville have finalized the $650,000 agreement to sell 2.5 acres of land occupied by the former Military Reserve Building on Sam Houston Avenue:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Item: egents Want Negotiations On Maalouf Property

The Huntsville Item reports [Aug. 17] that the Texas State University System authorized SHSU to acquire property occupied by the Military Reserve Building on Sam Houston Avenue through negotiation and purchase:

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Item: Purchase or condemnation: SHSU wants $650,000 Maalouf property

The Huntsville Item reports (Aug. 11) that SHSU is threatening to condemn an abandoned Military Reserve Building on Sam Houston Avenue if the winning bidder, Tarek Maalouf of Maalouf Properties in Huntsville, does not agree to sell it the land:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Call for Student Health and Counseling Center Art

Sam Houston State University's Department of Facilities Planning and Construction invites artists to submit proposals for art for new the Student Health and Counseling Center.  SHSU, in consultation with the SHSU Art Committee and Lawrence Group Architects, has targeted the following potential art opportunities within the new building: