
Thursday, March 27, 2003

Houstonian: Plans set for facility additions

From the Houstonian:
Two SHSU departments are planning to add new sections to their buildings beginning in 2003 and 2004.

The College of Business Administration is planning to create a new addition to the Smith-Hutson Business Building that will roughly double its existing workspace.

R. Dean Lewis, dean of the College of Business Administration, said the construction would extend to the parking lot south of the building, and create new faculty offices and classroom space. A new auditorium that will hold 158 people will also be added next to the existing Ronald P. Mafrige Auditorium.

"We have faculty in three buildings; we have classrooms in two," Lewis said. "We're out of space; that's why we're getting the additions."

The Smith-Hutson Building currently has 45,000 square feet of workspace, but the construction will add an additional 42,000 square feet. The project will cost approximately $38.5 million, and should begin next year.

"It's expected to start by January of '04," Lewis said. "We should be in the building by fall '05."

The College of Business Administration originally planned to renovate the existing building, but after consulting the projected growth estimates for the college, decided new space was needed.

Also scheduled for renovation is the Teacher Education Center, which will have a new wing added to help accommodate facilities for a new doctorate program in counseling education now offered by SHSU.

The funds for the project came from a fund designated for construction purposes. [Dean of the College of Education and Applied Science Genevieve]Brown said the project is still in a bid process, but that construction will probably begin in late spring and the new facility won't be operable before spring 2004.

The new extension will head out towards Johnson Coliseum. Brown said the college's new wing would help expand the amount of clinical help the college provides to the Huntsville community.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Alums Donate Funds for Garden Clock

Today@Sam reprints a recent Item article about the College Station alumnus who recently donated $30,000 to fund the purchase of a large clock to be located in the new Alumni Garden area.

The garden is located near the Marks Administration Building and the Lowman Student Center. Officials hope the clock will be complete and dedicated by November.

When Ruth and Ron Blatchley received an alumni garden brochure in the mail last year, it sparked their interest to purchase a $5,000 granite bench for the garden, said Kevin Hayes, director of alumni relations. When the idea of a clock for the garden was mentioned, the Blatchleys were even more interested, he said.

The Blatchleys decided the clock would be an appropriate donation and a way to give back to the university. Ron received his bachelor's degree from SHSU in 1968 and received a master's degree in physical education in 1969.

The SHSU Alumni Association is hoping to gain a bell tower for the alumni plaza area as well. However, officials are searching for a donor who would provide funds for the purchase of the $100,000 tower.

Ronny Carroll, an alumni board member and Houston resident, proposed that a bell tower be created in the alumni area. The proposed bell tower would be near the alumni fountain and would have similar architectural features of Old Main, the second oldest building on the SHSU campus, which was destroyed by a fire. The tower would also be the new location of the university chimes which ring every hour.

Officials say they hope the bell tower will be in place by 2004, which marks the 125th year of SHSU. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Houstonian: Regents say 'no' to name change, 'yes' to housing fee increases

From the Houstonian:
The Texas State University System Board of Regents voted Friday on several issues recommended by Sam Houston State University President James F. Gaertner.

The Student Advisory Board, a group of presidents and delegates from schools in the Texas State University System, recently met and voted 14-2 against the changing of Southwest Texas State University's name to Texas State University at San Marcos.

Helena L. Banks, SHSU's Student Government Association president, said all the schools represented at the meeting voted against the change, except for SWT.
Preliminary plans for an $8.3 million addition to the Smith-Hutson Building, the renovation of Jackson Shaver Hall and construction of a 5,000 square feet dining facility were approved.

Also, a $1.45 million renovation project Sorority Hill area and a $600,000 renovation of the second and third floors of the Estill Classroom Building were approved. It was also approved that $545,000 in repairs would be made to the roofs of the Evans Building, Academic Buildings I and III, East Central Plant and Smith-Hutson Business Building.