
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Looking Back At Hurricane Rita

From the Houstonian:
Evacuees of the Texas coastal region were placed inside Johnson Coliseum and [Academic Building Three] Dance Theater on the first night and the Health and Kinesiology Center was opened for more people on Friday morning. The Red Cross funded the entire relief effort, paying for blankets, food and multiple other services, but many volunteers were needed to help run the effort.

The first night only about 100 volunteers were present, but as the week progressed the number of volunteers ballooned to include a number of organizations, as well as National and State Guardsmen and women.

Despite a few minor conflicts in the Coliseum, the operation went quite smoothly in all three buildings. The Coliseum held 452 evacuees; AB3 held 206; and the HKC held 467.

The evacuees stayed from Wednesday, September 22 to the morning of Sunday, September, 26.

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