
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Campus Master Plan Update

The March 6 edition of the Houstonian reports on the Campus Master Plan discussion that was held Wednesday, March 5 on campus. Three potential plans were presented by JJR, as reported in the article:

"Alternative A involves changes with just the current campus layout. Possible plans include more residential areas in the north and south, additional recreational fields and center expansion, more storage and service, three new parking structures, parking on the agricultural campus with shuttle services, street alterations, a new student center, north and south dining, an expanded library, a new hotel/conference center, a new alumni center, a new art office, administrative services in an expanded AB2, a new business school, and a new science building and expansion of the Criminal Justice building.

"Alternative B involves north and south expansion, residential expansion, recreation and athletics expansion, two new parking structures, road changes, removal of the west plant with a new south plant, an expanded student center, a new library, a satellite recreational center on the agriculture camps, a new hotel/conference center on the agricultural campus, the alumni center in a renovated AB2, the library on Sam Houston Avenue behind Austin Hall with a connecting bridge, a new business school, new science building, new admin services, the Criminal Justice building expanded, new art office and reconfigured complex.

"Alternative C involves two new parking structures, with more surface parking and new land acquisitions, possibly selling part of or all of the agricultural portion, a new student center, north dining, new library, expanded recreational center, a new alumni center, a new business school, new science building, new administrative services, expanded Criminal Justice building into the horseshoe and a new and relocated art complex."

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