
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building opens

The newest (and fifth) “academic building” has opened on campus. The completion of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building – originally referred to as Academic Building V – means a number of departments (and Dean de Castro) will be starting off the new year in a new home. Moving to the CHSS building are:
  • CHSS dean’s suite;
  • Departments of sociology, psychology and philosophy;
  • The Student Advising and Mentoring (SAM) Center relocates from Academic Building IV (that area will later be filled by Career Services);
  • The Political Science department move over from Academic Building One;
  • The Accounts Payable and Business offices hop over from the Administration Building;
  • Human Resources, Payroll, and Purchasing jump over from the Estill Building;
Today@Sam points out that the vacated offices will obviously cause future moves within other buildings, which Today@Sam goes over in more detail if you’re into that sort of thing. Of note is that the clinical psychology program will move into the Career Services building in February 2009.

According to Meagan Ellsworth’s January 13th Houstonian article, “students were in classes [Monday] morning and accessing faculty offices as well. The fourth floor is still having last things done to it.” And they have a computer lab.

Construction on the 150,000 square foot building began in the summer of 2007.

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