
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

SHSU To Buy Old Shipley’s Building For Expansion

The Huntsville Item reports (Aug. 26) that the SHSU post office may expand with the proposed purchase of the property at 1624 Sam Houston Avenue. It's the former location of Shipley's Donuts, north of the Houston Building *:
Julia May, director of communications at SHSU, said there is no set timetable yet for the post office move, but that the land will be used to upgrade the facilities for the campus mail services.

“The property is located in the long-term development in the campus master plan update that has already been approved,” May said. “ It will provide a long-term location for the campus mail services.”

The purchase of the property will be up for approval at the Texas State University System Board of Regents meeting happening Thursday and Friday in Austin.

The university will buy the property from Strong Properties for $225,000.

The mail services are currently located in a temporary building near the art complex on the north side of campus.

Post office functions have moved around campus over the years: from the Women's Gymnasium to the Gresham Library and then its own building in the heart of campus.  In 1993 there was a plan for its own separate building west of the student center swimming pool that was never delivered upon.  A 2006 article seemed to indicate the function would move to AB5 but that didn't happen either.  Mail services have been headquartered temporarily in their present location since 2006.

* Or, as it was twenty years ago, it's the former location of Angelo's Pizza, north of AB2.

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