
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Upgrades Planned For SHSU Planetarium

Looking for some fun at Farrington?  The Houstonian (Oct. 21) some upcoming changes within that building:
The SHSU planetarium is located in the Farrington Building and is currently operating with a Mediaglobe I projection system. The system was one of the first entities to receive one of its kind, said staff lab assistant Michael Prokosch.

“The new projector is expected to arrive and be installed sometime during the first two weeks of November,” said Prokosch.

With the plans for improvement, the department will make the transition to the Mediaglobe III system.

According to Konica Minolta Planetarium Co., the Mediaglobe III projection system offers features such as higher resolution, higher contrast ratio, 3-D Space Simulation and special effects.

After the installation of the new projector, students will be able to have a more realistic experience at the planetarium and be able to see smoother images that will make them feel like they are actually looking up at the night sky in real time.

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